Saturday, September 10, 2011


kids learning something new from a traveling teacher

The teacher I was assigned for my first C4T is Ms. Bayda. She is a "traveling" teacher from Saskatchewan. She travels volunteering and helping communities that need it. These volunteers help do anything from planting to cooking and also teaching. When I commented on this post I introduced myself and told her I was in EDM310 this semester. I enjoyed her post and I think it takes a special person to travel around to different countries and teach. I also told her I loved that she captured some of the activities the kids were doing and posted them on her blog as well. I think that teaching around the world would be such a learning experience, and I'm sure it is for Ms. Bayda as well. Another one of her posts was more photos and explanations about her time in Costa Rica. She met a lot of new friends from all over the world. She got to practice her Spanish with a farmer who was also a neighbor of the Ranch the volunteers were staying at. The volunteers cooked in Costa Rica also. They got to watch a local soccer team the Mastatal's Galacticos play a big game. The volunteer teachers also did fun things together like playing basketball at the community center. They also taught lessons at an elementary school there. I posted my second comment on this post. I explained how her lifestyle was a different and very interesting to me. Teaching others something and seeing them understand it for the first time is such an honor. I stated that I hope when I start teaching that I have as much success as she has been having all over the world.

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